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Field Work Bibliography for Social Anthropology

Revision in Preparation
September 13, 1999
(Any critical comments and suggestions for additions
and deletions would be greatly appreciated.)
G. N. Appell


The entries in this bibliography are somewhat like a troop of headless horsemen, riding off in all directions at once. There are few universally applicable field work methods and techniques. Instead one’s field methods depend on the nature of the problem being investigated and the field situation itself. Therefore, they should be so tailored to fit such goals and contingencies. Familiarity with what others have done, of course, facilitates this process.

In general, this bibliography is ethnographically oriented with an emphasis on social anthropology. As such it only lightly touches on field techniques and methods in the new rapidly developing fields of semiotics, cross-cultural psychology, emotions, kinesthesics, medical anthropology, network analysis, political anthropology, gender studies, economic anthropology, etc.

This should be corrected. And any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


1. General Works

2. Field Guides and Handbooks

3. Area Guides

4. Field Work Ethics

5. Problems of Objectivity, Ethnocentricism, and Cultural Blind Spots.

6. Research Design and Unit of Analysis

7. Field Strategy

8. Relations With Informants and Ego Defenses

9. Interviewing and Oral Accounts

10. Observation and Participant Observation

11. Fieldwork Methods, Including Some Monographs Containing Accounts of Field Work Methods

12. Sex and Gender in Field Work

13. Accounts of Life in the Field

14. Language

15. Ecological Analysis

16. Demography

17. Operational Procedures for Kinship, Genealogies, and Censuses

18. Operational Procedures for Identifying and Describing Indigenous Social Units

19. Operational Procedures for Residence Analysis

20. Survey and Sampling Methods

21. Land Tenure

22. Agriculture

23. Economics

24. Political Anthropology

25. Decision Analysis

26. Law

27. Religion

28. Values

29. Ethnoscience and Cognitive Structuralism

30. Material Culture

31. Life History

32. Psychological Stress and Field Work

33. Cross-cultural Psychology

34. Medical Anthropology

35. Network Analysis

36. Role Analysis

37. Ethology

38. Construction and Management of Field Notes

39. Expedition Medicine and Survival

40. Photography, Tape Recorders, and Other Equipment

41. Miscellaneous

42. Miscellanies Books To Take To the Field

43. Writing Up Field Work

1. General Works

Adams, Richard N. and Jack J. Preiss (eds.)
1960 Human Organization Research: Field Relations and Techniques. Homewood: Dorsey Press.

Bartlett, Frederic Charles et al. (eds.)
1939 The Study of Society: Methods and Problems. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner.

Bateson, Gregory
1941 Experiments of Thinking About Observed Ethnological Material. Philosophy of Science 8:53-68.

Bell, J. H.
1953 Field Techniques in Anthropology. Mankind 5, 1:33-38.

Bensman, J. and A. Vidich
1963 Social Theory and Field Research. In Sociology on Trial, M. Stein and A. Vidich, eds. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Bernard H. Russell
1988 Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Second Edition. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.

Boas, Franz
1920 The Methods of Ethnology. American Anthropologist 22:311-21.

Bohannan, Paul and Dirk van der Elst
1998 Asking and Listening: Ethnography as Personal Adaptation. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.

Brim, John A. and David H. Spain
1974 Research Design in Anthropology: Paradigms and Pragmatics in the Testing of Hypotheses. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Burgess, R. G.
1983 In the Field. London: Allen and Unwin.

Burgess, R. G. (ed.)
1982 Field Research. London: Allen and Unwin.

Campbell, Donald T. and Robert A. LeVine
1973 Field-Manual Anthropology. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Chagnon, Napoleon A.
1974 Studying the Yanomamö. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Conklin, H.
1968 Ethnography. In International Encyclopedia of Social Science, D. L. Sills, ed. Volume 5. New York: Free Press.

Crane, J. G. and M. V. Angrosino
1974 Field Projects in Anthropology: A Student Handbook. Morristown: General Learning Press.

Emerson, R. M. (ed.)
1983 Contemporary Field Research. Boston: Little, Brown.

Epstein, A. L. (ed.)
1967 The Craft of Social Anthropology. London: Tavistock.

Ellen, R. F. (ed.)
1984 Ethnographic Research: A Guide to General Conduct. New York: Academic Press.

Freilich, Morris (ed.)
1970 Marginal Natives: Anthropologists at Work. New York: Harper and Row.
Gutkind, P. C. W. and G. Sankoff et al.
1967 Annotated Bibliography on Anthropological Field Work Methods. In Anthropologists in the Field, D. G. Jongsmans and P. C. Gutkind, eds. Assen: Van Gorcum.

Hammersley, M. and P. Atkinson
1983 Ethnography. New York: Tavistock.

Honigmann, John J. (ed.)
1973 Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology. Chicago: Rand McNally.

Jacobson, David
1991 Reading Ethnography. Buffalo: State University of New York Press.

Johnson, J. M.
1975 Doing Field Research. New York: Free Press.

Jongmans, D. G. and P. C. W. Gutkind
1967 Anthropologists in the Field. Assen: Van Gorcum.

Junker, B. H.
1960 Field Work. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Kroeber, A. L.
1957 Ethnographic Interpretation. University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology 47:191-234.

Lawless, Robert, Vinson H. Sutlive, Jr., and Mario D. Zamora (eds.)
1983 Fieldwork: The Human Experience. New York: Gordon & Breach.

Lévi-Strauss, C.
1976 Tristes Tropiques. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Madge, John Hylton
1953 The Tools of Social Science. London: Longmans.

Mead, Margaret
1973 The Art and Technology of Field Work. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Miller, Robert J.
1959 Field Work: Collection and Examination of Data. Anthropological Quarterly 32:92.

Murdock, George P. et al.
1971 Outline of Cultural Materials. Fourth Edition, Fifth Printing with Modifications. Behavior Science Outlines Volume 1. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press.

Nader, Laura
1964 Perspectives Gained from Field Work. In Horizons of Anthropology, Sol Tax, ed. Chicago: Aldine.

O’Leary, Timothy J.
1973 Ethnographic Bibliographies. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Pelto, Pertti J. and Gretel H. Pelto
1973 Ethnography: The Fieldwork Enterprise. In Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology, John J. Honigmann, ed. Chicago: Rand McNally.

1978 Anthropological Research: The Structure of Inquiry. Second Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Radin, Paul
1965 The Method and Theory of Ethnology. New York: Basic Books.

Royal Anthropological Institute
1951 Notes and Queries on Anthropology. Sixth Edition. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Spindler, George (ed.)
1970 Being an Anthropologist. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Srinivas, M. N., A. M. Shah, and E. A. Ramaswamy (eds.)
1979 The Fieldworker and the Field. New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

Stocking, G. W.
1983 The Ethnographer’s Magic: Fieldwork in British Anthropology from Tylor to Malinowski. In Observers Observed, G. W. Stocking, ed. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

Werner, Oswald and Donald T. Campbell
1973 Translating, Working Through Interpreters, and the Problem of Decentering. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Werner, Oswald and G. Mark Schoepfle et al.
1987 Systematic Fieldwork. Volume 1: Foundations of Ethnography and Interviewing. Newbury Park: Sage.

1987 Systematic Fieldwork. Volume 2: Ethnographic Analysis and Data Management. Newbury Park: Sage.

Wilson, Godfrey Baldwin and Monica Hunter
1939 The Study of African Society. Rhodes-Livingstone Paper No. 2. Livingstone: Rhodes-Livingstone Institute.

Wolcott, Harry F.
1981 Home and Away: Personal Contrasts in Ethnographic Style. In Anthropologists at Home in North America: Methods and Issues in the Study of One’s Own Society, Donald A. Messerschmidt, ed. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2. Field Guides and Handbooks

Beattie, John
1965 Understanding an African Kingdom: Bunyoro. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Devereux, Steven and John Hoddinott (eds.)
1993 Fieldwork in Developing Countries. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Ford, Clellan S.
1964 Field Guide to the Study of Human Reproduction. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press.

Goldstein, Kenneth S.
1964 A Guide for Field Workers in Folklore. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates.

Hagen, Everett E.
1958 Handbook for Industry Studies. Glencoe: The Free Press.

Hilger, M. Inez
1960 Field Guide to the Ethnological Study of Child Life. Behavior Science Field Guides. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files Press.

Hauser, Philip M. (ed.)
1966 Handbook for Social Research in Urban Areas. Paris: UNESCO.

Interdepartmental Committee on Nutrition for National Defense
1964 Manual for Nutrition Surveys. Second Edition. Washington: National Institutes of Health.

Ives, Edward D.
n.d. A General Interview Guide. Orono: Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History, University of Maine.

Karpeles, M. (ed.)
1958 The Collecting of Folk Music and Other Ethnomusicological Material: A Manual for Field Workers. London: International Folk Music Council and Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland.

Sorenson, E. Richard and D. Carleton Gajdusek
1966 The Study of Child Behavior and Development in Primitive Culture. Pediatrics Vol. 37, No. 1, Part II:149-243.

Ward, Robert E. et al.
1964 Studying Politics Abroad: Field Research in the Developing Areas. Boston: Little, Brown.

Whiting, John W. M. et al.
1966 Field Guide for a Study of Socialization. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

3. Area Guides

American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division
1965 Area Handbook for Malaysia and Singapore. Washington: Government Printing Office.

Beals, Alan R. and John T. Hitchcock
1960 Field Guide to India. Field Guide Series No. 4. Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.

Beardsley, Richard K.
1959 Field Guide to Japan. Field Guide Series No. 4. Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.

Human Relations Area Files - Area and Country Surveys
The Human Relations Area Files publishes a series of Area and Country Surveys.

Hutchinson, H. W.
1960 Field Guide to Brazil. Field Guide Series No. 5. Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.

Keesing, Felix M.
1959 Field Guide to Oceania. Field Guide Series No. 1. Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council.

Wolfe, Alvin W.
1959 Field Guide to West and Central Africa. Field Guide Series No. 2. Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Resource Council.

4. Field Work Ethics

American Anthropological Association, Fellows
1967 Statement on Problems of Anthropological Research and Ethics. Washington: American Anthropological Association.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1967 Proceedings of the Conference on the Ethical Aspects of Experimentation on Human Subjects Sponsored by Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Institutes of Health. Boston: House of the Academy.

Appell, G. N.
1971a Towards an Ethics for Anthropologists: Comments. Current Anthropology 12:340-41.

1971b Three Cases Dealing with Dilemmas and Ethical Conflicts in Anthropological Inquiry. Human Organization 30:97-101.

1973 Basic Issues in the Dilemmas and Ethical Conflicts in Anthropological Inquiry. Module 19. New York: MSS Modular Publications.

1976 Teaching Anthropological Ethics: Developing Skills in Ethical Decision-Making and the Nature of Moral Education. Anthropological Quarterly 49:81-88.

1978 Dilemmas and Ethical Conflicts in Anthropological Inquiry: A Case Book. Waltham: Crossroads Press.

1980 Talking Ethics: The Uses of Moral Rhetoric and the Function of Ethical Principles. In Ethical Problems of Fieldwork, Joan Cassell and Murray L. Wax, eds. Special Issue of Social Problems 27, 3:350-57.

1992a Review of Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for a New Era, Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban, ed. Anthropos 87:584-85.

1992b Scholars, True Believers, and the Identity Crisis in American Anthropology. Review of Roger Sanjek (ed.), Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology and Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban (ed.), Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for A New Era. Reviews in Anthropology 21:193-202.

Barnes, J. A.
1963 Some Ethical Problems in Modern Field Work. British Journal of Sociology 14:118-34.

1967 Some Ethical Problems in Modern Field Work. In Anthropologists in the Field, D. G. Jongsmans and P. C. Gutkind, eds. Assen: Van Gorcum.

1977 The Ethics of Inquiry in Social Science: Three Lectures. Delhi: Oxford University Press.

1979 Who Should Know What?: Social Science, Privacy and Ethics. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Beals, Ralph L. and the Executive Board, American Anthropological Association
1967 Background Information on Problems of Anthropological Research and Ethics. Fellow Newsletter 8, 1:1-13.

Beauchamp, Tom L. et al. (eds.)
1982 Ethical Issues in Social Science Research. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

Bulmer, Martin (ed.)
1982 Social Research Ethics: An Examination of the Merits of Covert Participant Observation. New York: Holmes & Meier.

Cassell, Joan and Murray L. Wax (eds.)
1980 Ethical Problems of Fieldwork, Special Issue of Social Problems Volume 27, No. 3.

Cassell, Joan and Sue-Ellen Jacobs (eds.)
1987 Handbook on Ethical Issues in Anthropology. Special Publication No. 23. Washington: American Anthropological Association.

Council of Biology, Editorial Policy Committee (eds.)
1990 Ethics and Policy in Scientific Publication. Bethesda: Council of Biology Editors.

Diener, Edwards and Rick Crandall
1978 Ethics in Social and Behavioral Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn (ed.)
1991 Ethics and the Profession of Anthropology: Dialogue for A New Era. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Foreign Area Research Coordination Group
1968 Guidelines for Foreign Area Research. American Anthropological Association Fellow Newsletter 9, 5:4-7.

Glass, Bentley
1965 The Ethical Basis of Science. Science 150:1254-61.

Horowitz, Irving Louis (ed.)
1967 The Rise and Fall of Project Camelot: Studies in the Relationship Between Social Science and Practical Politics. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Marshall, Patricia
1991 Research Ethics in Applied Medical Anthropology. In Training Manual in Applied Medical Anthropology, Carole E. Hille, ed. Special Publication 27. Washington: American Anthropological Association.

Perloff, R.
1964 Problems of Methods and Ethics in Interracial Research. American Behavior Scientist 7:7-9.

Punch, M.
1986 The Politics and Ethics of Fieldwork. Beverly Hills: Sage.

Reynolds, Paul Davidson
1979 Ethical Dilemmas and Social Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Rynkiewich, M. A. and J. P. Spradley (eds.)
1976 Ethics and Anthropology: Dilemma in Fieldwork. New York: Wiley and Sons.

Sjoberg, Gideon (ed.)
1968 Ethics, Politics and Social Research. Cambridge: Schenkman.

Wakin, Eric
1992 Anthropology Goes to War: Professional Ethics and Counterinsurgency in Thailand. Monograph 7. Madison: University of Wisconsin, Center for Southeast Asian Studies.

5. Problems of Objectivity, Ethnocentricism and Cultural Blind Spots

Batalla, Guillermo Bonfil
1966 Conservative Thought in Applied Anthropology: A Critique. Human Organization 25:89-92.

Bennett, John W.
1946 The Interpretation of Pueblo Culture: A Question of Values. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 2:361-74.

1948 The Study of Cultures: A Survey of Technique and Methodology in Field Work. American Sociological Review 13:672-89.

1964 Myth and Value in Cultural Anthropology. In Fact and Theory in Social Science, E. W. Count and G. T. Bowles, eds. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Braroe, Niels Winther and George L. Hicks
1967 Observations on the Mystique of Anthropology. Sociological Quarterly Spring:173-86.

De Laguna, Frederica
1957 Some Problems of Objectivity in Ethnology. Man No. 228.

Dwyer, K.
1977 The Dialectic of Fieldwork. Dialectical Anthropology 2:143-51.

Goodenough, Ward H.
1963 Cooperation in Change. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Gouldner, Alvin W.
1968 Review of American Sociology: Perspectives, Problems, Methods, by Talcott Parsons, ed. (New York: Basic Books). Science 162:247-49.

Heath, Dwight B.
1972 Comment to The Emergence of Self-Consciousness in Ethnography, by Dennison Nash and Ronald Wintrop. Current Anthropology 13:536.

The importance of making clear the network of sources used during ethnography.

Latourette, Kenneth S.
1966 Missionaries Abroad. In Americans Abroad, Richard D. Lambert, ed. Philadelphia: The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

1951 Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlan Restudied. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Manners, Robert A.
1956 Functionalism, Realpolitik, and Anthropology in Underdeveloped Areas. América Indígena 16:7-33.

Maquet, Jacques J.
1964 Objectivity in Anthropology. Current Anthropology 5:47-55.

Nash, Dennison and Ronald Winthrop
1972 The Emergence of Self-Consciousness in Ethnography. Current Anthropology 13:527-42.

Pehrson, Robert N.
1966 Preface. In The Social Organization of the Marri Baluch. VFPA 43. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

Redfield, Robert
1930 Tepoztlan, a Mexican Village: A Study of Folk Life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Rosenthal-Schneider, Ilse
1945 The Scientist’s Interference With Things He Studies. Australian Journal of Science 7:166-69.

Stocking, George
1968 Empathy and Antipathy in the Heart of Darkness. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 4:189-94.

Wallis, Wilson, D.
1952 Values in a World of Cultures. American Anthropologist 54:146.

Werkmeister, W. H.
1959 Theory Construction and the Problem of Objectivity. In Symposium on Sociological Theory, Llewellyn Gross, ed. New York: Row, Peterson.

6. Research Design and Unit of Analysis

Banton, Michael
1964 Anthropological Perspectives in Sociology. British Journal of Sociology 15:95-112.

Banton, Michael (ed.)
1965 The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. London: Tavistock.

Barnes, J. A.
1962 African Models in the New Guinea Highlands. Man 62:5-9.

Colson, Elizabeth
1954 The Intensive Study of Small Sample Communities. In Method and Perspective in Anthropology, Robert Francis Spencer, ed. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

1967 The Intensive Study of Small Sample Communities. In The Craft of Social Anthropology, A. L. Epstein, ed. London: Tavistock.

Fried, Morton H.
1966 On the Concepts of “Tribe” and “Tribal Society.” Transactions of the New York Academy of Science, Series II, 28:527-40.

Lehman, F. K.
1967 Ethnic Categories in Burma and the Theory of Social Systems. In Southeast Asian Tribes, Minorities and Nations, Volume 1, Peter Kunstadter, ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

LeVine, Robert A.
1973 Research Design in Anthropological Field Work. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Lewis, Oscar
1953 Controls and Experiments in Field Work. In Anthropology Today, A. L. Kroeber, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Miller, Delbert C.
1964 Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. New York: David McKay.

Naroll, Raoul
1964 On Ethnic Unit Classification. Current Anthropology 5:283-312.

Seeley, J.
1964 Crestwood Heights: Intellectual and Libidinal Dimensions of Research. In Reflections on Community Studies, A. Fidich, J. Bensman, and M. Stein, eds. Population. Pp. 157-206. New York: Wiley.

Spindler, George and Walter Goldschmidt
1973 An Example of Research Design: Experimental Design in the Study of Culture Change. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

7. Field Strategy

Binsbergen, W. van
1979 Anthropological Fieldwork: There and Back Again. Human Organization 38:205-9.

Brown, P. J.
1981 Field-site Duplication, Case Studies and the “My Tribe” Syndrome. Current Anthropology 22:413-14.

Cohen, Ronald
1973 Entree into the Field: Introduction. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Goffman, Erving
1968 The Neglected Situation. In Institutions and the Person: Essays Presented to Everett C. Hughes, Howard S. Becker et al., eds. Chicago: Aldine.

Hallowell, A. Irving
1956 Psychological Leads for Ethnological Field Workers. In Personal Character and Cultural Milieu, Douglas G. Haring, ed. Third Edition. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Hanna, William John
1965 Image-making in Field Research: Some Tactical and Ethical Problems of Research in Tropical Africa. American Behavioral Scientist 8:15-20.

Henry, F.
1966 The Role of the Fieldworker in an Explosive Political Situation. Current Anthropology 7:552-59.

Kloos, P.
1969 Role Conflicts in Social Fieldwork. Current Anthropology 10:509-12.

Langness, L. L.
1973 Entree Into the Field: Part 1. Highlands New Guinea. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Lundberg, C.
1968 A Transitional Conception of Fieldwork. Human Organization 27:45-49.

Middleton, John
1973 Entree into the Field: Africa. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Sechrest, Lee
1973 Experiments in the Field. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Uchendu, Victor C.
1973 Entree into the Field: A Navajo Community. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

VanStone, James W.
1973 Entree into the Field: Arctic and Subarctic North America. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

8. Relations With Informants and Ego Defenses

Adler, P. S. and P. A. Adler
1987 Membership Roles in Field Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Agar, Michael H.
1980 The Professional Stranger: An Informal Introduction to Ethnography. New York: Academic Press.

Appell, G. N.
1978 Dilemmas and Ethical Conflicts in Anthropological Inquiry: A Case Book. Waltham: Crossroads Press.

Back, K. W.
1956 The Well-informed Informant. Human Organization 14:30-33.

Becker, Howard and Blanche Geer
1960 Participant Observation: The Analysis of Qualitative Field Data. In Human Organization Research, Richard N. Adams and J. Preiss, eds. Homewood: Dorsey.

Berreman, Gerald D.
1968 Ethnography: Method and Product. In Introduction to Cultural Anthropology: Essays in the Scope and Methods of the Science of Man, James A. Clifton, ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Bleek, W.
1979 Envy and Inequality in Fieldwork: An Example from Ghana. Human Organization 38:200-5.

1980 Envy and Inequality in Fieldwork: A Rejoinder. Human Organization 39:291-93.

Casagrande, Joseph B. (ed.)
1960 In the Company of Man: Twenty Portraits of Anthropological Informants. New York: Harper and Row.

Crick, Malcolm
Anthropological Field Research, Meaning Creation and Knowledge Construction. In Semantic Anthropology, David Parkin, ed. ASA Monograph 22. London: Academic Press.

Crapanzano, Vincent
1980 Tuhami: Portrait of a Moroccan. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Denzin, Norman K. and Yvonna S. Lincoln (eds.)
1994 Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Devereux, George
1967 From Anxiety to Method in the Behavioral Sciences. The Hague: Mouton.

A critical text on the psychology of interpersonal relations between observer/interviewer and subjects, including a discussion of countertransference, defenses, the distortion of data by personality, etc.

Edgerton, Robert B.
1965 Some Dimensions of Disillusionment in Culture Contact. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 21:231-43.

Gans, Herbert J.
1968 The Participant-Observer as a Human Being: Observations on the Personal Aspects of Field Work. In Institutions and the Person: Essays Presented to Everett C. Hughes. Chicago: Aldine.

Hatfield, C. R.
1973 Fieldwork: Towards a Model of Mutual Exploitation. In Cultural and Social Anthropology: Introductory Readings in Ethnology, P. B. Hammond, ed. Second Edition. New York: Macmillan.

Honigmann, John J.
1976 The Personal Approach in Cultural Anthropological Research. Current Anthropology 17:243-61.

Hughes, Everett
1960[1971] The Place of Field Work in Social Science. In The Sociological Eye: Selected Papers. Chicago: Aldine.

Kluckhohn, Clyde
1962 Navaho Witchcraft. Boston: Beacon.

Lowie, Robert H.
1960 Empathy, or “Seeing From Within.” In Culture in History: Essays in Honor of Paul Radin, Stanley Diamond, ed. New York: Columbia University Press for Brandeis University.

McBrearty, Sally
1994 Death and Laundry. Broadcast on the BBC World Service: 24 April 1994.

Meintel, Deidre
1973 Strangers, Homecomers and Ordinary Men. Anthropological Quarterly 46:47-58.

Nash, Dennison
1963 The Anthropologist as Stranger. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 19:164-67.

Shils, E. A.
1959 Social Inquiry and the Autonomy of the Individual. In The Human Meaning of the Social Sciences, D. Lerner, ed. New York: Meridian.

Shokeid, Moshe
1988 Anthropologists and Their Informants: Marginality Reconsidered. Archives Européennes de Sociologie 29:31-47.

Vidich, Arthur J. and Joseph Bensman
1968 Small Town in Mass Society: Class, Power and Religion in a Rural Community. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

[In this you will find in the back Section 4: Ethical Implications of Community Research. This is a reprint of articles dealing with the Springdale case and it brings together all the various articles and rejoinders in the famous Springdale case.]

Wolcott, Harry F.
1975 Feedback Influences on Fieldwork; or A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Beer Garden. In Urban Man in Southern Africa, Clive Kileff and Wade Pendeton, eds. Gwelo, Rhodesia [Zimbabwe]: Mambo Press.

Wolff, Kurt
1964 Surrender and Community Study: The Study of Loma. In Reflections on Community Studies, Arthur J. Vidich, Joseph Bensman and Maurice R. Stein, ed. New York: Wiley.

9. Interviewing and Oral Accounts

Blum, Fred H.
1952 Getting Individuals to Give Information to the Outsider. Journal of Social Issues 8, 3:35-42.

Barnes, J. A.
1951 Briefer Studies and Annotations: The Perception of History in a Plural Society. Human Relations 4:295-303.

Bernard, H. Russell
1995 Field Notes: How to Take, Code, and Manage Them. In Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitive Approaches, H. Russell Bernard. Second Edition. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.

1995 Unstructured and Semistructured Interviewing. In Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitive Approaches, H. Russell Bernard. Second Edition. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.

Boutin, Michael
1995 Evaluating Written and Oral Sources in Ethnohistory Studies: The Case of Bonggi. In Language and Oral Traditions in Borneo: Papers from the First Extraordinarily Session of the Borneo Research Council, August 4-9, 1990, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Williamsburg: Borneo Research Council.

Briggs, Charles
1986 Learning How to Ask. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

An excellent, influential book on recent use and abuse of the interview method; for better or worse, he actually ends up moving us away from interviews into “spontaneous conversation.”

Bruner, E. M.
1986 Ethnography as Narrative. In The Anthropology of Experience, V. T. Turner and E. M. Bruner, eds. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

Carstairs, G. Morris
1961 Cross-cultural Psychiatric Interviewing. In Studying Personality Cross-culturally, Bert Kaplan, ed. Evanston: Row, Peterson.

Dean, John P. and William Foote Whyte
1958 How Do You Know If the Informant is Telling The Truth? Human Organization 17, 2:34-38.

Deutscher, Irwin
1968 Asking Questions Cross-culturally: Some Problems of Linguistic Comparability. In Institutions and the Person: Essays Presented to Everett C. Hughes, Howard S. Becker, et al., eds. Chicago: Aldine.

Fine, Elizabeth
1984 The Folklore Text: From Performance to Print. Bloomington: Indian University Press.

A good summary of research on how best to transcribe verbal dialogues, while gaining a balance between strict accuracy and the spirit of the text.

Hyman, H. H. et al.
1954 Interviewing in Social Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Ives, Edward D.
1974 The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Field Workers in Folklore and Oral History. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

Kahn, R. L. and C. F. Cannell
1957 The Dynamics of Interviewing. New York: John Wiley.

Maccoby, Eleanor E.
1954 The Interview: A Tool of Social Science. In Handbook of Social Psychology, Volume 1: Theory and Method, Gardner Lindzey, ed. Cambridge: Addison-Wesley.

Morrison, James
1995 The First Interview: Revised for DSM-IV. New York: Guilford Press.

NH and MRC Social Psychiatry Research Unit, Australian National University
1978 Interview Schedule for Social Interaction. Duplicated.

1978 Guide Notes for Interview Schedule for Social Interaction (ISSI), X Edition. Duplicated.

Paul, Benjamin D.
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26. Law

Barnes, J. A.
1961 Law as Politically Active: An Anthropological View. In Studies in the Sociology of Law, Geoffrey Sawer, ed. Canberra: Australian National University.

Epstein, A. L.
1967 The Case Method in the Field of Law. In The Craft of Social Anthropology, A. L. Epstein, ed. London: Tavistock.

Gluckman, Max
1965 The Ideas in Barotse Jurisprudence. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Hohfeld, Wesley Newcomb
1919[1966] Fundamental Legal Conceptions as Applied in Judicial Reasoning, Walter Wheeler Cook, ed. Fourth Printing. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Holleman, J. F. (ed.)
1981 Van Vollenhoven on Indonesian Adat Law: Selections from Het Adatrecht van Nederlandsch-Indië (Volume I, 1918; Volume II, 1931). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

Ludvigson, Tomas
1991 Transactions and Ownership in Central Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu. In Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnobiology in Honour of Ralph Bulmer, Andrew Pawley, ed. Memoir No. 48. Auckland: The Polynesian Society.

Call, George J.
1975 Observing the Law: Applications of Field Methods to the Study of the Criminal Justice System. Crime and Delinquency Issues: A Monograph Series, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration. Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health, Center for Studies of Crime and Delinquency.

Nader, Laura (ed.)
1965 The Ethnography of Law. American Anthropologist Special Publication Volume 67, No. 6, Part 2.

27. Religion

Banton, Michael (ed.)
1966 Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion. ASA Monograph No. 3. London: Tavistock.

Frake, Charles O.
1964 A Structural Description of Subanun “Religious Behavior.” In Explorations in Cultural Anthropology, Ward H. Goodenough, ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Leach, Edmund
1967 The Structural Study of Myth and Totemism. ASA Monographs No. 5. London: Tavistock.

Wallace, Anthony F. C.
1966 Religion: An Anthropological View. New York: Random House.

28. Values

Albert, Ethel
1956 The Classification of Values. American Anthropologist 58:221-48.

Edel, May and Abraham Edel
1959 Anthropology and Ethics. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.

Kluckhohn, Florence Rockwood and Fred L. Strodtbeck
1961 Variations in Value Orientations. Evanston: Row, Peterson.

Ladd, John
1957 The Structural of a Moral Code: A Philosophical Analysis of Ethical Discourse Applied to the Ethics of the Navaho Indians. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

29. Ethnoscience and Cognitive Structuralism

Berlin, Brent
1992 Ethnobiological Classification: Principles of Categorization of Plants and Animals in Traditional Societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Colby, B. N.
1966 Ethnographic Semantics: A Preliminary Survey. Current Anthropology 7:20-23.

Conklin, Harold C.
1967 Lexicographical Treatment of Folk Taxonomies. In Problems in Lexicography, Fred W. Householder and Saul Saporta, eds. The Hague: Mouton for Indiana University.

1972 Folk Classification: A Topically Arranged Bibliography of Contemporary and Background References Through 1971. New Haven: Department of Anthropology, Yale University.

Diamond, Jared M.
1991 Interview Techniques in Ethnobiology. In Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnobiology in Honour of Ralph Bulmer, Andrew Pawley, eds. Memoir No. 48. Auckland: The Polynesian Society.

Frake, Charles O.
1963 The Ethnographic Study of Cognitive Systems. In Anthropology and Human Behavior. Washington: The Anthropological Society of Washington.

Goodenough, Ward. H.
1956 Componential Analysis and the Study of Meaning. Language 32:195-216.

Hammel, E. A. (ed.)
1965 Formal Semantic Analysis. American Anthropologist Special Publication Vol. 67, No. 5, Part 2.

Manning, P. K. and H. Fabrega, Jr.
1976 Fieldwork and the “New Ethnography.” Man 11:39-52.

Romney, A. Kimball and Roy Goodwin D’Andrade (eds.)
1964 Transcultural Studies in Cognition. American Anthropologist Special Publication Volume 66, No. 3, Part 2.

Sturtevant, William C.
1964 Studies in Ethnoscience. American Anthropologist 66:99-131.

Tyler, Michael J.
1991 Biological Nomenclature, Classification and the Ethnozoological Specieme. In Man and a Half: Essays in Pacific Anthropology and Ethnobiology in Honour of Ralph Bulmer, Andrew Pawley, ed. Memoir No. 48. Auckland: The Polynesian Society.

Werner, Oswald and Joann Fenton
1973 Method and Theory in Ethnoscience or Ethnoepistemology. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

30. Material Culture

Hodges, Henry
1964 Artifacts: An Introduction to Early Materials and Technology. London: John Baker.

Plenderleith, H. J.
1956 The Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art. London: Oxford University Press.

Sturtevant, William C.
1967 Guide to Field Collecting of Ethnographic Specimens. Information Leaflet 503, Museum of Natural History. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.

31. Life History

Dollard, John
1933 Evaluating the Life History.

Gottschalk, Louis Reichenthal et al.
1945 The Use of Personal Documents in History, Anthropology, and Sociology. Social Science Research Council Bulletin No. 53.

Hughes, Charles C.
1965 The Life History in Cross-cultural Psychiatric Research. In Approaches to Cross-cultural Psychiatry, James M. Murphy and Alexander H. Leighton, eds. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Langness, L. L.
1965 The Life History in Anthropological Science. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

32. Psychological Stress and Field Work

Anderson, Barbara G.
1971 Adaptive Aspects of Culture Shock. American Anthropologist 73:1120-25.

Forge, Anthony
1967 The Lonely Anthropologist. New Society pp. 221-24.

Henry, Frances and Satish Saberwal (eds.)
1969 Stress and Response in Fieldwork. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Hill, Carol
1974 Graduate Education in Anthropology: Conflicting Role Identity in Fieldwork. Human Organization 33:408-12.

Howell, Nancy
1990 Surviving Fieldwork: A Report of the Advisory Panel on Health and Safety in Fieldwork, American Anthropological Association. Special Publication No. 26. Washington, DC: American Anthropological Association.

Hsu, Francis
1977 The Cultural Problem of the Cultural Anthropologist. American Anthropologist 81:517-32.

Jones, Delmos
1973 Culture Fatigue: The Results of Role-Playing in Anthropological Research. Anthropological Quarterly 46:30-37.

Kondo, Dorrine K.
1986 Dissolution and Reconstitution of Self: Implications for Anthropological Epistemology. Cultural Anthropology 1:74-88.

Middleton, John
1970 The Study of the Lugbara: Expectation and Paradox in Anthropological Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Wengle, John L.
1988 Ethnographers in the Field: The Psychology of Research. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.

[Includes annotated bibliography of field work.]

1988 Fieldwork, Sunsets and Death. Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 8(2):2-12.

33. Cross-cultural Psychology

Berry, John W. et al.
1992 Cross-cultural Psychology: Research and Applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edgerton, Robert B.
1973 Method in Psychological Anthropology. In A Handbook of Method in Cultural Anthropology, Raoul Naroll and Ronald Cohen, eds. New York: Columbia University Press.

Henry, Jules and Melford Spiro
1953 Psychological Techniques; Projective Tests in Field Work. In Anthropology Today, A. L. Kroeber, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

34. Medical Anthropology

Ahmed, Paul I. and George V. Coelho (eds.)
1979 Toward a New Definition of Health: Psychosocial Dimensions. New York: Plenum Press.

Antonovsky, Aaron
1979 Health, Stress, and Coping. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Brenner, M. Harvey, Anne Mooney, and Thomas J. Nagy (eds.)
1980 Assessing the Contributions of the Social Sciences to Health. AAAS Selected Symposium 26. Boulder: Westview Press.

Culyer, A. J. (ed.)
1983 Health Indicators: An International Study for the European Science Foundation. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Dohrenwend, Bruce P. (ed.)
1998 Adversity, Stress, and Psychopathology. New York: Oxford University Press.

Friedman, Howard S. (ed.)
1992 Hostility, Coping and Health. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hamburg, David A., Glen R. Elliott, and Delores L. Parren (eds.)
1982 Health and Behavior: Frontiers of Research in the Biobehavioral Sciences. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Lipkin, Mack, Jr. and Karel Kupka (eds.)
1982 Psychosocial Factors Affecting Health. New York: Praeger.

Marsella, Anthony J. and Geoffrey M. White (eds.)
1982 Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy. Boston: D. Reidel.

Miller, Thomas W. (ed.)
1997 Clinical Disorders and Stressful Life Events. IUP Stress and Health Series Monograph 7. Madison, CT: International Universities Press.

Mitchell, Hilary Flegg and J. Clyde Mitchell
1980 Social Factors in the Perception of the Causes of Disease. In Numerical Techniques in Social Anthropology, J. Clyde Mitchell, ed. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues.

Stole, Leo and Ernest Joe Millman
1998 Personal History and Health: The Midtown Longitudinal Study 1954-1974. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers.

35. Network Analysis

Whitten, Norman E., Jr., and Alvin W. Wolfe
1973 Network Analysis. In Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology, John J. Honigmann, ed. Chicago: Rand McNally.

36. Role Analysis

Banton, Michael
1968 Roles: An Introduction to the Study of Social Relations. London: Tavistock.

Goodenough, Ward. H.
1965 Rethinking >Status’ and >Role’: Toward a General Model of the Cultural Organization of Social Relationships. In The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology. ASA Monographs 1. London: Tavistock.

Keesing, Roger M.
1973 Toward a Model of Role Analysis. In Handbook of Social and Cultural Anthropology, John J. Honigmann, ed. Chicago: Rand McNally.

37. Ethology

Colgan, Patrick W. (ed.)
1978 Quantitative Ethology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenäus
1989 Human Ethology. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

von, Cranach, M. K. Foppa, W. Lepenies, and D. Ploog (eds.)
1979 Human Ethology: Claims and Limits of a New Discipline. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

38. Construction and Management of Field Notes

Emerson, Robert M., Rachel I. Fretz, and Linda L. Shaw
1995 Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Kenworthy, Mary Anne et al.
1985 Preserving Field Records: Archival Techniques for Archaeologists and Anthropologists. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

Sanjek, Roger (ed.)
1990 Fieldnotes: The Makings of Anthropology. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

Silverman, Sydel and Nancy J. Parezo (eds.)
1992 Preserving the Anthropological Record. New York: Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

Sturtevant, William C.
1959 A Technique for Ethnographic Note-taking. American Anthropologist 61:677-78.

39. Expedition Medicine and Survival

Appell, G. N.
n.d. Health Hints for Fieldworkers in Borneo. Duplicated.

Army, Department of the
1957 Survival. Field Manual No. 21-76. Washington: Department of the Army.

Barnett, Maureen (compiler & ed.)
1990 Health in the Tropics: A Survival Guide for Travellers and Field Workers. Canberra: Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Dickson, Murray
1983 Where There is No Dentist. Palo Alto: The Hesperian Foundation.

Dupuis, R. J. Keystone, J. Losos, and A. Meltzer
1978 Travelers to the Tropics: Guidelines for Physicians. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

Edholm, O. G. and A. L. Bacharach (eds.)
1965 Exploration Medicine: Being a Practical Guide for Those Going on Expeditions. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins.

James, Clifford S.
1963 Tropical and Other Diseases Commonly Met with in Melanesia and Polynesia (Pacific): Their Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment. Revised Fifth Edition. Auckland: The Institute Printing and Publishing Society.

Kean, B. H. and Harold A. Tucker
1965 The Traveler’s Health Guide. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.

Mackie, Thomas T., George W. Hunter, III, and C. Brooke Worth
1954 A Manual of Tropical Medicine. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders.

Manson-Bahr, Sir Philip H.
1957 Synopsis of Tropical Medicine. Third Edition. London: Cassell.

Manson-Bahr, Sir Philip H. (ed.)
1960 Manson’s Tropical Diseases: A Manual of the Diseases of Warm Climates. Fifteenth Edition. London: Cassell.

The Merck Manual. Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories.

Navy, Department of the
1968 Poisonous Snakes of the World. Washington: Department of the Navy, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Nesbitt, Paul H., Alonzo W. Pond, and William H. Allen
1959 The Survival Book. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand.

Royal Geographical Society of London
n.d. Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General. Eleventh Edition. Volume 2. London: Royal Geographical Society.

Stefansson, Vilhjalmur
1944 Arctic Manual. New York: Macmillan.

Werner, David
1977 Where There is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook. Palo Alto: The Hesperian Foundation.

40. Photography, Tape Recorders, and Other Equipment

Balikci, Asen and Quenton Brown
1966 Ethnographic Filming and the Netsilik Eskimos. Newton: Educational Services.

Collier, John, Jr.
1957 Photography in Anthropology. American Anthropologist 59:843-59.

1967 Visual Anthropology: Photography as a Research Method. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Gardner, Robert
1987 Anthropology and Film. Daedalus 86:344-52.

Goody, Jack
1987 Interace Between the Written and Oral. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Discusses the impact of the tape recorder on cultural anthropology, linguistic transcripts, etc., especially pages 93-102.

Hastings, J. R. and R. M. Turner
1965 The Changing Mile. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

John, D. H. O.
1966 Photography on Expeditions. London: Focal Press.

MacDougall, D.
1978 Ethnographic Film: Failure and Promise. Annual Review of Anthropology 7:405-25.

Mead, Margaret
1956 Some Uses of Still Photography in Culture and Personality Studies. In Personal Character and Cultural Milieu, Douglas Haring, ed. Third Edition. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Nettl, Bruno
1954 Recording Primitive and Folk Music in the Field. American Anthropologist 56:1101-02.

Pickett, A. G. and M. M. Lemcoe
1959 Preservation and Storage of Sound Recordings. Washington; Library of Congress, Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office.

Rowe, John Howland
1953 Technical Aids in Anthropology: A Historical Study. In Anthropology Today, A. L. Kroeber, ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Tedlock, Denis
1983 The Spoken Word and the Work of Interpretation. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Discusses the importance of tape recorders, especially in the “Introduction.”

41. Miscellaneous

Dorson, Richard M. (ed.)
1961 Folklore Research Around the World: A North American Point of View. Indiana University Folklore Series No. 16, Journal of American Folklore 74.

Gumperz, John J. and Dell Hymes (eds.)
1964 The Ethnography of Communication. American Anthropologist Special Publication Volume 66, No. 6, Part 2.

Maceda, José
1981 A Manual of a Field Music Research with Special Reference to Southeast Asia. Quezon City: Unesco in cooperation with the Department of Music Research, College of Music, University of Philippines.

Manning, P. K.
1987 Semiotics and Fieldwork. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Spier, Robert F. G.
1970 Surveying and Mapping: A Manual of Simplified Techniques. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Stoner, Barbara
1971 Why was William Jones killed? Bulletin, Field Museum of Natural History 42(8):10-13.

42. Miscellaneous Books To Take to the Field

A Dictionary

A Thesaurus

Barnett, Maureen (compiler & ed.)
1990 Health in the Tropics: A Survival Guide for Travellers and Field Workers. Canberra: Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.

Dickson, Murray
1983 Where There is No Dentist. Palo Alto: The Hesperian Foundation.

Dupuis, R. J. Keystone, J. Losos, and A. Meltzer
1978 Travelers to the Tropics: Guidelines for Physicians. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

Manson-Bahr, Sir Philip H. (ed.)
1960 Manson’s Tropical Diseases: A Manual of the Diseases of Warm Climates. Fifteenth Edition. London: Cassell.

The Merck Manual. Merck, Sharp & Dohme Research Laboratories.

Werner, David
1977 Where There is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook. Palo Alto: The Hesperian Foundation.

43. Writing Up Field Work

Van Maanen, John
1988 Tales of the Field: On Writing Ethnography. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

A short, clear summary of the different ways of writing ethnography, like a survey or how-to-manual, not rhetorical critique.